Dice Game Rules You will be shocked to know the number of ways dice can be played in. 5000 is one of such popular games that can be played by using 5 dice that are 6 faced.
The game is very fun and can be played with family as well as friends. If you have dice and want to know how to play 5000 dice game and 5000 dice game rules, here is a detailed guide on the same –
- Objective of 5000 – Be the first player to score 5000 points.
- Total Number of Players – 2 – 10 players
- Game Materials – Five 6 sided dice, way to keep score.
- Game type – Dice game
- Game audience – Family, Adults
Who Goes First in 5000 Dice Game?
In order to choose who goes first, all the players have to throw the dice. The player who gets the highest number on their dice will go first.
Whereas the player having the lowest number on their dice will have to keep the score of the game.
How to Play 5000 Dice Game?
- The player starts the game by rolling all five dice.
- In order to continue with their turn, a player has to roll either a A 1, 5 or three of a kind, which are called as counters. Rest is not considered.
- At least 1 counter has to be set aside by the player in each roll. If a player manages to rolls all 5 dice as counters, then they can pick up the dice and continue rolling.
- Your earned points will be collected until you choose to end your turn. However, we recommend you to not try your luck that much. If you do not roll what is needed, then your turn is over right at that moment. This will result in losing all the points for that round.
For their scores to be counted, a player has to earn 350 points at least. After you have scored this much points, you can then end your turn whenever you wish and accumulate the points you have earned.
Once a player is done with their turn, they are awarded the points for particular combinations and dice.
But here is a twist again. A player can start collecting the points only when they have scored at least 350 in one round of the dice game.
Here’s what the general scoring pattern for the game is like –
1’s = 100 points each
5’s = 50 points each
Note that Three of a kinds are worth points as well.
Three 2’s = 200 points
Three 3’s = 300 points
Three 4’s = 400 points
Three 5’s = 500 points
Three 6’s = 600 points
Three 1’s = 1000 points
Big One = If a player manages to roll a 1-2-3-4-5 in a single roll, then they get 1500 points.
Who Wins 5000 Dice Game?
As the name is sufficient to suggest, the player who scores 5000 or more points will win 5000 dice game.
But here comes a twist. If a player gets 5000 or more points, the other players will get one more chance to overtake the winning player. A little luck and the whole game can change in one throw of dice!