Bid Whist is one of the most popular trick-taking partnership games. The game is played in two teams of two players each. So, in all the game requires 4 players. The teams are required to compete by betting and winning tricks. The objective of Bid Whist is to remove the cards of the same suit such that they equal to eleven.
Basically, according to BidWhist rules, the game requires players to bid and bet how many tricks they can win. They also have to decide on other factors like will there be a trump and what will it be if there’s one and the order of ranking too. The player who becomes the winner of bidding has to decide the BidWhist rules for the next round.
The team of the bid winner will play the round and score points for tricks after first 6. So, if a team makes a bid of 3, then they will have to score in all 9 tricks to win. If a team fails to reach their bid, they get negative points for not matching their bid.
The game ends in two cases – One when a team matches their bid by scoring tricks. The other case when the game ends is when a team cannot match their bid and gets negative points.
· Bid Whist Goal – The aim of Suit Elevens is to remove same-suit cards that equal up to eleven.
· Total Number of Players – 4 Players
· Game Materials – A standard deck of cards plus 2 jokers one red and one black, a flat surface, and a way of tracking wins.
· Game Type – trick-taking game.
· Game Type – 10+
How to Setup
In order to play Bid Whist, you will need a standard deck of 52 playing cards with two extra jockers. The dealer deals 12 cards to each player. The rest of the cards form the kitty and will be the first trick won by bid winner.
How to Play
The player to the left of the dealer begins the bidding round. All players get one chance to bid. Every bid comprises of the number of tricks a player thinks he can win above 6 and the way in which they want the round to be played.
The player next has to raise the stakes by either taking a higher number of tricks or rising the difficulty level of the game. A player can either say ‘NT’ which means No Trumps, Uptown, i.e., traditional ranking or Downtown i.e., reverse ranking.
· Uptown Ranking – Red Joker, Black Joker, Ace, King, Queen, Jack, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2.
· Downtown Ranking – Red Joker, Black Joker, Ace, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, Jack, Queen, King.
In order to increase the bid, players have to win more tricks or simply increase the difficulty level of the game. Here is the order of ranking of the game difficulty –
1. NI – High difficulty
2. Download
3. Uptown
So, if you can beat a bid of 4 uptown by saying either 5 uptown or 4 downtown. In case all the players pass, the dealer has to make the bid.
The player who wins the bid wins the kitty as their first trick. They are required to make another choice. If they winning bid was NT then they are to choose if to play uptown or downtown. They have to choose the suit of the trump too.
2. Playing
Once done with the bidding, the game can be started to play. The player to the left of the dealer begins the first trick. The play moves clockwise and all players have to try to follow the led suit.
Once all the players are done playing a card, the trick is won by the highest-ranking card. First is the trump. Then come the highest cards of the led suit.
In case the bid was NT, then Jokers have no value and do not belong to any suit. And if the first card that is played is a joker then the next suit card played is the led suit for the round. The winner of one trick will lead the next tricks. The game continues in the same way till all the 12 tricks have been played and won.
Who wins Bid Whist?
The team who matched their bid wins Bid whist.
Scoring BidWhist Rules
The bid winning team score points after the round is finished. After Scoring 6 points, each trick one after 6 is worth one point. So, if you bid 2, your team will have to score in all 8 points.
But if your team fails to match their bid, then the bid is subtracted from your score. So, if you score 2 but you bid 3, then your score will be negative 1.
The game finishes when the number of points targeted are scored or if the negative counterpart of that number is score by a team. The team having the highest score wins Bid Whist.
That was all about BidWhist rules, the game and the scoring rules of BidWhist. In case of any questions on the game, shoot at us in the comments below and we will come to your rescue soon.