One of the best games to be played at a party! Flippy Cup game, also known as Flip cup game, Tippy cup, Canoe, and taps is a fun game that is played in teams. The teams must have at least 2 players each. The game begins with a toast.
If you are one of those enthusiasts who like to combine two funs parts – drinking and games, then Flippy Cup is the game for you. Read below to know all about the game.
· Flippy Cup game goal – The objective of Flippy cup game is to Chug & Flip faster than the opposing team.
· Total Number of Players – 4+ players
· Game Materials – Plastic cups, lots of beer, playing table at a comfortable height for cup flipping
· Game Type – Skill, Drinking
· Game Audience – Adult
How to Play?
Before beginning the game, players have to first form 2 teams and line up on the opposite directions of the table.
The game is played as a head-to-head race between the players of opposite teams. Once the toast is given, the game beings from one end of the table and players who are standing opposite to each other start chugging their beers and race.
A referee or a third person not belonging to any team can help detect the winner with much clarity. It will also be helpful to make sure that both the players of the opposite teams chug their beers starting at the same time. On the referee’s call players can start chugging their drinks.
As soon as the players finish their beer cups, they have to place them on the table such that the lip of the cup hangs a little over the edge of the table. Then they players have to flip their cups 180 degrees such that the cups stand straight on the table.
Players can use their index finger to flip the cup from the lip of the cup that hangs on the edge of the table. After flipping the cup successfully, the next player in the line will begin their turn by starting to chug their beer and then flipping the cup in the same way the first player did.
The game continues in the same fashion until all the players finish their drinks and flip the cups. The team who first manages to finish their drinks and flip the cups is the winning team.
Flippy Cup Game Variations
Below are the 2 famous variations of Flippy cup game –
1. Survivor Flip Cup Game
This is same as the original game but the team that loses the game has to vote off a member. But they have to drink the same number of cups as their opponent team drinks.
2. Batavia Downs
In this version of flip cup game, there have to be at least 4 players who gather around a circular table. The players of opposite team stand opposite to each other. When a player finishes their cup and flips it, they pass the turn to their right. After flipping, players are required to refill their cups so if the player to their left flips successfully, they will be ready to go once again. The game continues in the same way till a player fails to flip their card before the person to their left does so.