Seep is one of the most popular Seep card games which is also known by other names like – Sip, Siv, Shiv, Sweep, etc. The game bears a similarity with Casino. The version of Seep given here is played with four players. The aim of the Seep card game is to collect and capture valuable cards in the layout on the table.
The game ends when a team reaches 100+ point lead on other teams. This is called Bazzi. Before the game begins, the teams have to decide how many games or bazzis they want to play.
So, if you are interested to know how to play Seep card game, then keep reading further.
· Seep card game goal – To Capture cards and earn points!
· Number of players – 4 players (fixed partnerships)
· Number of Cards – 52 card deck
· Order of Cards – From high to low – K, Q, J, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, A
· Game Type – Fishing
· Game Audience – All Ages
How to Captures
In order to capture cards, players have to play one card from the hand and pick up more than one cards or a group of cards with a capture value which is equal to the card in hand. Thus, the card in hand will allow the player to capture card of the same rank from layout.
· A – 1
· 2-10 – Face value
· J – 11
· Q – 12
· K – 13
At the time of capturing cards, players have the option to build the cards in piles or houses. But the houses are to be captured only as a unit. The cards that are on the floor but not the house are known as Loose cards.
After the game is over, the captured cards value is added –
· The Spade cards have point value equal to their capture value.
· Aces of the other suit equal to 1 Point.
· Ten of Diamonds are equal to 6 points.
Rest of the 35 cards in the deck don’t have a point value. So even if they are captured, they are useless. The total points of the deck equal to 100 points.
Players also have the option to score for Sweep. This happens when a player captures all cards from the layout in one single turn. A sweep is equal to 50 points.
But if the successful sweep happens at the start of the game, then it is equal to just 25 points. Sweeps at the last game have no point value.
How to Deal
The players chose the dealer randomly from among them using any method like cutting a card from the deck or picking the youngest or eldest player as the dealer.
Later on, the hands are dealt by the member of the losing team. In case of tie between the teams, the first dealer will deal again. After the game is over, or in case of a bazzi, the deal goes to the partner of the player who has the next turn if the game did not end.
After shuffling the deck, the dealer asks the payer to his right to cut the deck. Then the dealer deals 4 cards to the player on their right and then deals 4 cards on the table or floor.
The player to the right of the dealer then examines their cards that have been dealt to the table. If it is possible, that player will ‘bid for a house’ depending on those 4 cards. In order to bid, the bid has to be between 9 and 13 and in correspondence to the capture value of card in hand.
But if the player has no cards higher in ranking than 8, they can’t bid. In this case, they reveal their hand and throw in the cards. The deal as well as the bid are both repeated. This goes on until they can make a legal bid.
When the player to the right of dealer has the bid, the 4 cards on the table or floor are exposed by flipping them so that all the players can see. The bidding player can do one of the below things –
1. Create a House – Players can create a house with the same value as that of their bid simply by capturing the cards from floor with one in hand.
2. Play card – Players can play a card that has a value equal to the bid value. Capture cards of the same value on the floor or table.
3. Throw down – Players can throw down their card which is same as the value of the bid value. The card remains loose on the floor.
When a player is done with any of the above things, the dealer can finish the deal by dealing the rest of the card in set of four from right to left. The player to the right of the dealer gets 11 cards in their hand and the rest of the players get 12.
How to Play Seep
The game of Seep starts when the deal and the bid are finished. The game is started with the player sitting to the right of the bidder. The game proceeds in an anticlockwise manner or to the right.
The turn of a player includes playing one card in hand. Thus, all the players get 12 turns each. The single game is continued till all the players have empty hands.
The below are the moves a player can make in their turn –
1. Create or add to a house – Players can use cards in the game to either create a new house or add to the house that is already present.
2. Capture cards and houses – In case the card played has the same as the capture value as the house or any number of cards on the floor, then all the cards can be captured in one play. The captured cards are stored mutually between the partners and piled in front of one member.
3. Throw down a loose card – Cards that are not able to capture any other cards or can’t be added to the house remain on the table or floor. This is a loose card.
The loose cards as well as the cards in the house have to be faced up so that all players can easily see them. All the players have the right to thumb through houses and see their contents. Players can also examine the captured cards in the same turn they were captured in. But when the next player starts their turn, the captured card cannot be checked.
The Houses
Houses are piles with 2 or more than 2 cards. Players can capture houses only in a single unit. The smallest capture value is 9 and the largest value is 13 for the house. Players can create houses only when they have a card in hand which is equal to the capture value as that card is needed to pick it up later and get points.
All houses on the floor should have at least 1 owner. The owner of the house is the player who created the house. In case a house is broken, the player who broke last it is the owner of the house.
Cemented houses can have multiple owners. This happens when the house is cemented by an opponent of the original owner. The players who own the house must always keep the capture card of same value in their hand unless the house is broken or captured.
An uncemented house has pile of cards that when summed equal to the capture value. For instance, a 5 and 6 have a capture value of 11.
A cemented house will have more than 1 card of set of cards that equal to the capture value. For instance, a K cemented house should include the below –
- 3, 10
- 5, 4, 4
- K
- A, 6, 2, 2
A player can break a House if the player adds a card to it which will increase its capture value. The card should come from the hand of the player and not from the floor or table. But the cemented houses can’t be broken.
There can’t be multiple houses with an equal capture value on the floor. They have to be combined in to a cemented house. The loose cards having an equal capture value to the house are automatically consolidated into the house. In case the house is created first, then the loose card can capture it or be added to it.
Creating House
In order to create a normal house, players have to play a card from hand and add it to more than one loose card in the pile. These cards have to add to the capture value of house. The capture value of houses must be either 9, 10, 11, 12, or 13.
Players have to have a card equal to the capture value in hand so as to create a house. A player can create a house for yourself but not for your teammate.
Houses are broken by adding a card from hand to them and thus increasing the value of the house. For this, players need to have a card in hand equal to the capture value of new house. Players cannot break the houses they own.
Cemented Houses
Players can turn houses into cemented houses using the below ways –
· By adding cards to the house of same capture value.
· By Capturing more than one cards from the floor, including other houses that are equal to the capture value of the card in hand.
· By breaking an ordinary house of another player to make its new capture value same to the house you own or are cementing.
The loose cards on the table/floor that are equal or add the capture value of a house you own are also allowed to be captured and added for cementing an ordinary house.
Players can add cards to the cemented house at their turn which are of same value. At least one card has to come out of your hand. In case the house is of an opponent, then you have to have a card in hand of the same value as Capture value of the house so as to add it. But if the house is your partner’s, you can add to it freely.
All the teams score their captured cards and also add the bonus points for sweeps that might have taken place during the game. Supposing both the teams scored at least 9, the difference between scores is calculated.
This difference in scores is recorded and gathered through the successive deals. When a team has a 100-point lead, they win Bazzi. Then, the difference will be nulled and the bazzi will repeat.
In case a team fails to score more than 9 points, they lose the bass and the next deal will reset the difference.
End of the Game
Seep card game ends when all the players are done playing cards in hand. All the houses are to be captured as players have to capture them using the capture card of same value that they have to hold on to.
The Loose cards can still be on the table/floor in the end but they are added to the capture pile of team who picked the cards last from the table/floor.
That was it all about Seep Card game. I hope you have understood the game and are playing it by now. In case of any doubts, feel free to let us know in the comments below. We will get back to you as soon as possible.