Spyfall Rules is a hidden roles game that requires sharp mind skills and correct guesses. The game is played with 2 roles that having different objectives.
The players who are non-spy will have to find and vote who the spy is. The spy has to remain hidden until the game ends or until they can guess the location.
If you are interested in such a hidden role guessing game, go ahead to see how to play Spyfall, Spyfall rules and more about the game.
- Spyfall game objective – The spy in the game has to keep his identity hidden and guess the location. If you are a non-spy player, then you have find and vote who the spy is.
- Total Number of Players – 3-8 players
- Game Materials – 240 cards split into thirty 8 card decks, 30 small plastic bags for the decks, a rulebook. (You will also need a way to keep time, this is not included.)
- Game Type – Hidden Roles Game
- Game Audience – Children above 12 and adults
How to Set Up Spyfall?
In order to set up Spyfall game, start with separating the 240 cards into their decks and the put them into baggies in such a way that the back of the cards faces one way and a spy card on top of every deck.
This make sures that the location is not revealed.
Now choose a deck randomly. Take out the number of cards needed to distribute between each player. Just make sure to start with the bottom card and do not reveal any cards. Then shuffle them and distribute between the players.
The players can check their own cards, but of course secretly to see what role they have got. You can then begin the actual play.
How to Play?
Spyfall is played in multiple rounds. The number of rounds to be played can be decided by the players before the game begins.
The player who dealt the cards will begin their turn by asking other players their location. Now the trick here is to not be too vague and not too specific or your chances of getting answers about the location questions will go down.
The game continues with the person who answered the last question. Now they ask other players a question except for the player who had just asked them a question.
How to End Rounds?
Accusation –
Any player, including the Spy, can pause the game to accuse a person of being the spy. This accusation is followed by a vote and if the person gets majority of the votes, they are then to reveal their cards.
If that person comes out to be the spy, then the rest of the players win and grab the points. But if they are not the spy, then the spy reveals themselves and wins the scores. Then the next round begins.
In case the vote does not get a majority, the game is continued without revealing any cards. And the person who made the accusation cannot make it until next round.
Spy Reveal –
While the game is being played, except for the above-mentioned accusation phase, the spy can reveal himself and try to guess the location. If correct, they score the points. If incorrect, nobody scores any points. Then the next round begins.
End of Round –
The game is played for 15 minutes. Once the game ends, the player on whose turn the timer ended will have to start making accusation and vote against someone who they might think is the Spy.
Accusation and defending follows through this phase of the game.
After the accusation, the votes are cast. If the majority if formed, the person reveals themselves. If that person is the spy, other plays win but if not, then the spy wins.
If the vote does nor gain majority, then the player to the left makes the accusation. Again a vote is conducted and this continues until either majority is formed or it comes back to the original player. If there are no more accusations left, the spy wins the game.
How to End the Game?
Once all the decided number of rounds are played, the scores of the players are compared and the one with the highest scores wins Spyfall.
How to Win Points as a Spy?
- A spy earns 2 points if no one is accused successfully. This is when no player has accused any one of being the spy and no player has voted to reveal.
- A spy can earn over 4 points if they guess the location correctly.
- A Spy can grab 4 points if any other player gets accused of being a spy and has to reveal themselves. In this case the real spy gets the points.
How to Win Points as Non-spy Players?
For all those players who are not the spy, here is how you can score points in Spyfall –
- Accuse the spy successfully and vote them out to reveal.
- The player who made the accusation first earns 2 points.
- The rest of the players who are not the spy get 1 points each.
That was it all about Spyfall, how to play spyfall game and spyfall rules. I am hoping that you have all found the above article of use.
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