The Taco Cat Goat cheese Pizza game is a fun game that can be played with 3 to 8 players. The game requires players to get rid of all the cards in their hand and be the first player to be slap when there is a match.
So, if you are interested to know more about Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza, then keep reading further to know more.
Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza Goal – The goal of Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza is to win by getting rid of all the cards in hand and to be the first player to slap in case of a match.
Number of Players – 3-8 players
Game Materials – 64 cards deck and two instruction cards
Game Type- Action Card Game
Game Audience – 8 and above
How to Setup
Once the cards are shuffled, they are distributed evenly among the players. The cards are dealt faced down and they are not shown unless placed on the pile.
The cards are distributed evenly between the players depending on the number of players playing the game. The player to the left of the dealer will start the game.
How to Play
The game begins with the player to the left of the dealer when they place a card faced up at the center of the table and saying “Taco” while doing so.
Now the player to the left of that player will place a faced-up card at the center while saying “Cat”.
Then the player to their left will place a faced-up card in the center while saying “Goat”. This is continued and the players say the words Taco, Cat, Goat, Cheese, Pizza, in the given order.
In case a player plays and says the wrong word, they have to pick up all the cards from the pile.
In a situation where the laid down card matches the word that is said, all the players have to immediately slap their hand on the top of the pile and try to be the first player to do so. The player who is the last one to slap their hand on the pile, has to take the complete pile. They are required to place these cards faced down at the bottom of the pile in their hand.
The player who picked up the pile will start the next round. This is continued till a player has all their cards down and they are also the first one to slap the pile when a card is matched.
Special Cards
When special cards are played, the players have to all right away complete the action that the card depicts and then slap the pile. The last player to do so or the player who does something wrong has to pick up all the cards from the pile.
When a player plays Groundhog, all the players are required to knock both their hands on the table and then slap the pile.
On playing a gorilla card, the players are required to beat their hands on the chest and then slap the pile.
After playing a Narwhal card, the players have to slap their hands above their heads to form a horn like figure and then slap the pile.
The end
Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza game ends when a player puts down all of their cards and they are the first player to slap the pile when a match is thrown.
That was it all about Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza game. I hope you have all found the article of use and are playing the game by now. In case of any doubts, feel free to let us know in the comments below. We will come back to your rescue.