How to Play Clue Game?
If you are someone who likes thrill, adventure and likes to solve mysterious cases, then clue game is one of the best options you have got.
This board game, originally derived from the Dubbed murder! game can be played by 3 to 6 players aged above 8. The game is very much preferred as it develops the logistic and analytical thinking of the players.
If you are interested in solving a murder mystery, go ahead to know how to play clue game.
Objective of Clue game – Solve the murder. Rightly Guess the name of murderer, murder weapon, and murder location.
No. Of players – 3-6 players
Game materials – Clue game board, 6 suspect tokens, 6 murder weapons, 21 cards, secret envelope, 1 die, a pad of detective notebook sheets.
Game type – Murder Mystery Board Game
Game audience – 8+
Weapons – Rope, Dagger, Wrench, Pistol, Candlestick, Lead Pipe
Places – Courtyard, Game Room, Study, Dining Room, Garage, Living Room, Kitchen, Bedroom, Bathroom
As mentioned above, clue board game is all about finding out the truth of a mysterious murder. For you to win the clue game you must find out the below three things about the murder –
- The murderer.
- The weapon used by the murderer.
- The location where the murder happened.
Set Up:
In order to set up Clue Board game, follow the below process –
1. Take all the 6 characters and weapons of the game and put them in the center of the board. Do so even if there are not 6 players.
2. The players will have to now select a suspect character to play. This token will be used by the players to get across the board.
3. Now take turns placing the weapons in the rooms. Note that each room can have only 1 weapon.
4. Next, you will have to Shuffle and sort clue cards into decks of rooms, weapons, and suspect decks. Then take the first top most card from each deck and put it secretly into yellow murder envelope. This is your answer to the mystery case of murder. Now keep the envelope to the side or on the center X on the board. Where to put the envelope totally depends on the version of the game you are playing.
5. Now, again shuffle the remaining Clue cards and disperse them faced down and evenly among the all of the players. You will have to keep these cards a secret.
6. Then, put the rest of the cards which cannot be evenly distributed at the center of the board.
7. All players will need their own clue sheet, which will be a secret, and a pen. While playing the game, players are required to secretly cross the Clue cards that have been dealt on their clue sheet. These also include the rest of the cards which were not distributed evenly.
8. While playing the game, players will get the chance to see other the cards of other players, one at a time. All the cards you see, mark off on your clue sheet as these cards are not involved in the murder mystery.
How to Play?
· The game starts with rolling the dice.
· The player who rolls the highest number gets the chance to go first. If you are playing the game in the classic way, Ms. Scarlett will always go first.
· At your turn, roll the dice and move your character around the board according to the spaces indicated by the dice. Each player can move horizontally or vertically. However, no player can move diagonally.
· If it is possible, try to enter a room. Entering a room is important so even if your roll still has moves left, don’t bother and stop in the room.
· Note that You cannot pass rooms or exit rooms that have blocked entrances by suspect characters.
· After you have entered a room, start the inquiry about the murder. In the game, it is termed as clue question where you have to hypothesize about the probable suspect and the weapon they may have used for the murder.
· You will have to include the room you are in the clue question. For instance, if you land in the Living room, you can ask -“Was it Mustard? In the Living Room? With the Lead Pipe?”
· Following that, you will have to now move both the suspect and weapon of murder into the room. Inquire about the weapons and suspects that you have not crossed off your clue sheet.
· Once you do this, the player to your left will first attempt to answer by flashing a card secretly, that answers part of your question. In case they do not have a card you are asking about, they have to answer – “I cannot answer,” and then the question will pass to the left until you are shown 1 card. In case no one can show you a card, and it is also not your own, it is in the envelope!
· You can end your turn by crossing off new clues on your sheet. Then simply leave both the suspect character as well as the weapon in the room. It does not matter if the character belongs to another player. They get to ask their question from the room you put them in, without moving.
How to Win?
When you are left with just 3 cards on your detective sheet, you are all set to solve the murder. You can make your accusations. Then check the envelope without anyone else seeing it.
The person who made the right accusation wins clue board game.
On the other hand, if your accusations came out to be false, then you have to secretly return the cards to the envelope and hide your cards. Such players will not be allowed to ask more questions and obviously, they cannot win the game. Such players are out of the winning race.
That was all about Clue board game. I hope you have found the above article of use and could easily understand how to play clue game. For any questions, feel free to ask us in the comment section below.